
Rates are the current exchange rates for currency conversion used for different financial operations.

On this page, you can find a list of all currency pairs available in B2BINPAY. By default, B2BINPAY obtains prices from B2Connect Liquidity Hub (if you haven’t connected another liquidity provider when setting up the system).

The rates are updated every 20 seconds. If the price cell is highlighted in green, the value has increased since the previous update; in red — decreased. No highlighting means that the value hasn’t changed.

Above the table, you can see quick filters:

  • Favorites — to display currency pairs added to Favorites. To add a currency pair to Favorites, click the star icon near it.

  • All (default) — to display all available currency pairs.

  • Fiat — to display currency pairs where one or both currencies are fiat.

  • Tokens — to display currency pairs where one or both currencies are tokens.

  • Coins — to display currency pairs where one or both currencies are coins.

Next to quick filters, you can see the Decimal places option. Use it to adjust the number of digits after a decimal separator in prices to be displayed (by default, 8). Available values are in the range from 0 to 18, but the actual number of digits is limited by the number specified in currency settings, refer to Currency codes.